Monday, October 09, 2006

Two Weeks tomorrow

Well my guy left two weeks ago and I think I'm going crazy. Not in the literal sense, but something close. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, he is defiantly the most amazing man that I have met my entire life. The best thing about him is he makes me laugh and that is one of the biggest things I miss about him, he always has a goofy comment for any occation, he is never on time for anything, and his house until he left looked like the aftermath of a tornado. But I think of these and all of his great qualities and smile, hoping he is safe and doing well, as I have not heard from him, but I figure I will be this weekend. Going to a new place and doing new things is stressful and there is an adjustment period which we all deal with, some by contacting family and friends, staying tied to what they know and love, others going on their own until they are comfortable with their new surroundings. I am proud of him and can not wait until he returns, in 10 weeks.


Anonymous said...

aww, i know 10 weeks is a long time but at least two weeks are already down. are you making plans yet about how you will celebrate when he gets home?

AkCopGirl said...

Yes, I'm just hoping they play out the I'm hoping. Thanks