Monday, October 23, 2006

Pathetic or not?

My guy has been gone now for a total of three weeks, and I know he can not contact me at the moment. But I broke down, called his cell and left a message. The message went as follows- Hey it’s me just wanted to say that I miss you (big dramatic sigh, which just went with the tone and it was really unplanned), that is it, bye. I sounded depressed on the phone and very pathetic. Now when I called it was just to hear his voice on his voice mail message. I had been a little depressed earlier because I was doing research on strabismus (lazy eye), which my daughter might have. We have an eye appointment on Monday to find out, or if she just needs glasses. I learned that she may have to have corrective surgery and vision therapy, so I was freaked out. Then on my way home from work I was tired and started thinking about it again. I decided that I might feel better if I heard my guy’s voice so I called. I would have really like to call, and talk to him about it, but I knew that was not possible. So instead of making me feel better when I heard his voice it depressed me even more. Next time I am going to leave a not so depressed and maybe even a little naughty message.

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