Friday, January 26, 2007

To myself

I have just finished reading the Grrl Genius blog posting "Dear Me".
Dear me at 18,

I'm here 11 years from then, I don't know where to start. How about in a couple of months at your first duty station, don't be so overwhelmed, everything will turn out okay. When you meet that guy, you'll know when you meet him, everything was meant to turn out that way. Embrace that you loved and had love in return, even if just for a short while. When you PCS to your next duty station, it will be okay, when you return to your first, go out with him and get caught up on old times, then move on. At your third duty station, tell the guy you are seeing how you feel before you leave, it probably won't change anything, but at least he will know. At the fourth duty station, don't go psycho at 23 year old, you do not have to be married now, or ever if you choose, what comes of this relationship is more good than bad, just don't decide that this is the man you want because he is not. When he moves move on. At your final duty station, realize that you are depressed and overwhelmed with the situation you are in when you first get there. Ask for help, from a doctor, a supervisor, any one that can help will. You do not have to do it on your own, you never had to. There will always be someone there for you when you need them.
You will meet many friends during the next 11 years, the ones you thought were just fun for now will prove to be friends forever no matter how long you go with out talking to them they will always be there for you. The one friend that you always thought would be there, well in 2001 that friendship will cease, due to unknown reasons, let go and live on.
Your self-esteem and self-image will improve, but you should know now love yourself not matter what you look like. You are prefect whether alone or in couple status, being alone does not mean being lonely. You will know when the right person comes along and when the time is right. Stay true to yourself and those you care for.
There is so much you will have to live for when you get here, I know I have enjoyed the road we have chosen. The mistakes were ours to make, and we have learned, we have grown, we have loved, we have been loved, we have lived.
Enjoy the road of what is to come, I know I will be.

Me at 29, scary but true...

P.S. Regret nothing.

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