Monday, October 23, 2006


My daughter will be five in a week. Wow, has time gone fast, I can remeber giving birth just yesterday it seems sometimes. On Sunday before leaving for work, my daughter and I were eating breakfast, after she run to the bathroom and I thought nothing of it. Then about 5 min later she comes out and says "Mom, I lost a tooth." "Okay, let me see," I replied. Now not being quite five and thinking the worst she starts to get teary eyed and states a very silly coment, of "I can't eat any more." Trying not to laugh to hard I tell her that a new one will grow and she will still be able to eat.
Today we had out first eye doctor appointment, which she did very good. Her left eye seems to be a little lazy, so I was conserned. The doctor has to diolate her eyes so she can get a better look at them. After putting in the drops (that do sting), we have to wait for a good forty-five mins, I took her to a local eye doctor that was located right in to a department store, so we walked around and did some shopping. About half way through the waiting period she says "I can't see, lets go back to the doctor." Which told me the drop were doing what they were supposted to do. And for anyone who has had their eyes diolated before knows that intense brightness. The good thing is she does not need glasses, but unfortunetly we do have an appointment with a specailist about her lazy eye.


Anonymous said...

Hey, akcop girl.
i hope everything works out with your daughter's eye appt.
have you heard from your honey at all?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, 2 comments, but i forgot to ask, what are you guys doing for her b day? Big party planned?

AkCopGirl said...

Everything was fine with the eye appt. Yes, I have heard from my guy and he is doing well. No big party this year just family.